A coach, Why? I’m already successful?
What do Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, and Metallica have in common? Besides being totally badass, each of these high performers had a coach to help them level up.
Why should I choose you?
How I see it is your success is my success. I care about your future, I trust my product, and together we can make the impossible possible. I won’t sell you crystals, or realign your chakras (although I love that shit), I will seek out your indecision and show you how that limits your progress and joy.
Can I trust you?
My background in high level athletics introduced me to the skills of a great coach. Someone who can both challenge and celebrate you. My experience in corporate Sales and Marketing, and Human Resources, gives me knowledge of the bigger picture in business. I have built a successful business in a very niche and competitive industry, Yoga teacher trainings, I did this by being authentic and pushing the edges of my students and myself.
Will I get my results?
What you are willing to put in, is what you will get out. My intention, is to Rumplestiltskin your fears and spin them into gasoline for your fire and vision. I will remind you of your 'why', and together we will build a strategy and plan. I will hold you accountable and help you get clear on the best use of your precious time.
What can I expect?
This will be a 6 month container, each week we set goals, monitor our follow through, and evaluate what is working and what needs to be revisited to stay on target.
*payment plans available
One on One Session:
Whether you are looking for a tune up or are about to make a transition, Erin will ask the questions to get you more aligned with your direction so you can take action.
6 Month commitment:
Ready to up level your professional life and increase joy at home as a byproduct? Looking at your interpersonal and business relationships, your thoughts around money, and how commited you are to your why; we will spend 6 months revamping your business vision to get you the results you want. With powerful questioning and gentle observations the life you are after is within your reach. Erin will cheer you on and hold you accountable. Package includes weekly sessions.
"Erin is a confidante, a cheerleader and a trusted voice of reason. She helped me step into the person I wanted to be through incredible listening, empowering questions, and pure love. Erin knows when to challenge and when to listen. With Erin it is a judgement-free zone."
- Katrina Galka
"Erin is pure joy! She is an honest and caring coach with a unique ability to really listen and understand what I am saying and feeling. Erin is able to keep me focused and accountable for taking my next steps to move forward toward my goals. Throughout our sessions Erin freely shares her great sense of humor which makes working with her a true pleasure. Thanks, Erin!"
- Eileen G.
"Erin’s superpower is mirroring your brilliance back to you. She gently guided me to the core of a block and facilitated me to shift it. Erin held my feet to fire, gently yet firmly, to support me excavating beliefs that were not serving me. She held me accountable and had me commit to making changes. Habit by habit, little by little. She is solution oriented and supports you seeing how your “impossible” can be possible."
- Sarah H.